Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School

Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School is an inspected school that follows the Ontario Curriculum, as well as some locally produced courses. Many of the local courses are land based and promote experiential learning.

In 2022-23 school year, Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School with the direction of the Resource Department made a move to offer more courses in the trades. These include Auto Mechanics, Welding, Hospitality & Tourism, and Deign & Textiles. These courses have been met with great enthusiasm from students. There are plans to add additional courses in the next few years.

Auto Mechanics Garage

Auto Mechanics Garage at Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School

The school boasts a new Auto Mechanics garage. This garage has all the equipment for delivering the required curriculum and training in this field of study. Our Instructor in the Shop is Auto Mechanic Noel Leonard.

Design and Fashion Course

Design and Fashion Course at Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School

This Christmas a fashion show was to showcase designs created by the students in the Design & Fashion course. All student designs are ribbon skirts that have variations which have deep meaning for the students.

Outdoor Education Program

In addition, the High School has an excellent Outdoor Education program. Students have access to canoes, ATV’s, and outdoor gear necessary for learning outside of the structured classroom. Grassy Narrows sits in the heart of the Boreal Forest and offers inedible opportunities for learning, not just about the past, but for the present and future interests of the community.

Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School Classrooms

The High School boasts 7 classrooms, but some with dual purposes, as well as other learning spaces, such as the auto shop and Gym to allow for a variety of curriculum choices for our students. All our technology is up to date so students are learning with the most current trends.

Sakatcheway Anishinabe High School Resource Support

In addition, we fully support students with learning in the High School with the Learning Hub though programming and technological support. As a result, every effort is being made to ensure all students in high school experience success in their academic endeavors.

Additionally, our Department Heads, along with Administration are continually working toward many new and exciting opportunities in High School and welcome new ideas from new staff that have skills that can add to the diversity of courses we offer our students.